
Data-Driven Conversion Rate Optimization Services


Gain conversion rate optimization superpowers with the help of our CRO team! Turn search engine traffic into revenue with Bunny’s SEO conversion rate optimization services. Put our impassioned team to work on your website optimization, request a proposal here!

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The Research Phase – Identifying the Areas of Improvement


With our conversion optimization process, we’ll go through and identify weak points within your sales funnel. A sales funnel is the entire sales process, starting from the initial interest to convincing potential customers that your business is the right business to closing the deal or sale. Figuring out where your conversion funnel leaks is how we transform your site’s performance.

Maybe your landing pages need redesigning, or maybe you need to test a new copy for your call-to-action buttons. Whatever the issue, our job is to identify and fix them.

Bunny’s SEO will implement heat mapping, click maps, scroll maps & survey tools to identify website usability issues and further conversion rate optimization opportunities.

Leverage retargeting to re-engage website visitors


The main goal of the conversion rate optimization process is to use existing resources and existing website traffic more efficiently through user research, split testing, and landing page testing. Conversion rate optimization gives you the power to identify what isn’t working, why, and how you can fix it.



Learn more about our conversion rate optimization plans and pricing. Our plans include:

  • Google Analytics Audit
  • Initial Insights Assessment
  • Implementations and insights from heat maps, scroll maps, and click maps
  • Conversion rates tracking setup
  • Market Research
  • Funnel Analysis & Conversion Funnel Report
  • Conversion strategy
  • Conversion rate reporting
  • Performance test reporting
  • Incoming and existing traffic analysis

Start increasing conversions today


When you invest in website conversion rate optimization services, you also partner with an agency that is experienced and impassioned with website optimization efforts. Our experience and advanced AI software will design a comprehensive process to help your site become a leads-generated conversion machine.

What do Conversion rate optimization (CRO) services entail:

Bunny’s SEO conversion rate optimization services include:

Web page usability analysis

Improve how users interact with your web page. Unclear and difficult-to-navigate interfaces will result in visitors becoming frustrated and leaving your site. Ensuring that your site is accessible across all mobile devices will improve your site’s conversion rate. Simple tweaks like landing page redesign can improve your conversion rate without requiring major modifications to existing marketing plans.

Website copy analysis

A website copy should be written with the visitor’s questions and concerns in mind. A professionally written website provides the information vital to understanding each product or service, while also persuading qualified customers to convert. Little tweaks in tone and content will lower your overall customer acquisition costs.

Aesthetic analysis

Ensure all the pages of your site follow a uniform and professional look in order to avoid user confusion and leaving your page. Addressing broken links and adjusting complex navigation bars will greatly enhance your website’s performance and increase opportunities for more conversions.

Conversion funnel analysis

Your website’s conversion funnels are the paths that your visitors follow before converting. Each landing page beginning from the entrance page to the conversion page is an opportunity for your visitor to lose interest and leave. With our conversion funnel analysis, we will ensure that qualified visitors stay on the right track all the way to the conversion stage.

Internet marketing conversion analysis

Your website should be written and designed around your target audience. All the content should be created in order to attract qualified leads, meaning website visitors who are likely to convert. Our in-depth analysis of your overall marketing campaign will ensure that your website attracts the right visitors and that your content is catered to those likely to become loyal customers.

5 Ways Conversion Rate Optimization CRO Benefits SEOs

  1. Improved Customer Insights – Conversion rate optimization involves extensive analysis and continuously conducting tests to gauge visitor behavior which leads to a better understanding of your audience. This insight will improve your overall marketing tactics and strategies.
  2. Healthier ROI – The higher your conversion rate, the more resources you have. If you learn how to get the most out of your lead generation efforts, you’ll get more conversions without having to continuously generate new leads like before.
  3. Increased Scalability – Target customers are not infinite, and neither are marketing budgets. Conversion rate optimization allows your business to grow without running out of resources even if your audience isn’t scaling at the same time.
  4. Better User Engagement – Conversion rate optimization aims to improve what works on your website and eliminate what doesn’t. Your users are likely to stick around if their user experience is continuously improved.
  5. Greater User Trust – Conversion rate optimization helps build user trust by improving your site’s overall impression and making sure it’s answering all your customers’ questions and addressing all of their concerns. With this well-earned trust, potential customers feel comfortable inputting their personal information.

Even though Conversion Rate Optimization isn’t directly linked to Search Engine Optimization, both play their part in the bigger picture of your digital marketing efforts.

Let Our Numbers Do the Talking


Conversion optimization is a science. The modifications of all these different elements are based on data and the results are visible in our numbers. Our conversion rate optimization services have demonstrated significant growth in conversion rates for different clients.

Find out what Bunny’s SEO can do for you. Contact us for a free assessment.

How to Get Started with Conversion Rate Optimization

Maximize your site’s ROI with conversion rate optimization services. Getting your site visitors to perform a desired action when hitting your landing pages is the driving force behind increased conversions and revenue. We understand that maximizing client conversion rate is crucial to your business success, which is why Bunny’s conversion rate optimization process includes:

  • Analysis of various key metrics like your website’s functionality, conversion rate, overall website copy, and general aesthetics to determine areas for improvement.
  • A dedicated and qualified digital marketing team that conducts multivariate testing and continuously analyzes different elements of data to make the most informed decisions and recommendations.
  • Actionable steps and CRO strategies, based on multiple tests and findings, that you can implement immediately to boost conversions and take advantage of visitor behavior.

Ready to start a successful CRO campaign? Get in touch with one of our experienced strategists here!

What is (CRO)Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO)

Conversion rate optimization is the systematic process of testing and updating various elements of your website to maximize the number of website visitors who become potential customers. Conversion rate optimization services help you leverage search engine traffic to achieve your business goals.

What is Considered a Conversion & What is a Good Conversion Rate?

A conversion is generally defined as any action a visitor takes that completes a site goal. These conversions can vary depending on the industry and business goals. Some common examples of conversions include:

  • Purchasing a product
  • Requesting a quote or proposal
  • Signing up for a service
  • Subscribing to a newsletter or email list
  • Creating an account or user profile
  • Adding a product to a shopping cart
  • Downloading a piece of content

With this understanding of the basics of conversion rate optimization (CRO), you can see why it’s so statistically significant to your overall marketing strategy — including your SEO.

Benefits of Conversion Rate Optimization: Why is it important?

Not all metrics are created equal. Every website has the same goal more or less; reach their target audience and increase conversions. While high search engine results traffic and ranking are great metrics to improve on and measure, your website’s conversion rate holds the most statistical significance in measuring your marketing success.

1,000 visitors per month with $5,000 in revenue beats 5,000 visitors per month with $1,000 in revenue.

Our conversion rate optimization team combines technology and expertise to track and measure user behavior at different points in the sales (conversion) funnel, in order to make informed inferences and customize a CRO process that aligns your marketing assets with the customer’s journey.